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We currently have 3,152 edits to 86 articles and 338 images on this wiki.
Only BADs are our targets! Trick you! Deceive you! Cheat all fortunes of you! You can hear our stories in LA, Singapore, London, Shanghai and Tokyo, Why? Our "CON GAMEs" stage, is the whole WORLD!
Makoto Edamura is the self-proclaimed "Japan's greatest swindler." Together with his partner Kudo, they try to trick a Frenchman in Asakusa but unexpectedly get tricked instead. The Frenchman, whom they tried to swindle, turns out to be Laurent Thierry—a much higher-level "confidence man," in control of the mafia. Edamura is yet to find out what fate awaits him, after having engaged in the Frenchman's dirty jobs...!
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