Great Pretender Wiki

Abigail "Aby" Jones (アビゲイル・ジョーンズAbigeiru Jōnzu?) is an athletic, taciturn woman who is Laurent's second-in-command and member of Team Confidence. Her great physical abilities come in part from her childhood ballet training. Her life changed when war broke out in her homeland Iraq, and she carries a dented medal that she won in a ballet competition as a memento of her parents.


Abigail is a medium height, young woman with a thin petite physique. She has brown skin, short-brown hair, and purple colored eyes. After Episode 11, she grew her hair out. She was based on young Natalie Portman and Halle Berry.

Abigail usually wears a yellow T-shirt, white low rise shorts, a red cap, and white sneakers. Due to changes in the following arcs, her appearance changes as well.


Abigail is often cold, blunt, and brutally honest. Sometimes she's suicidal due to trauma caused by being a child soldier in Baghdad. While she acts very coldly toward others, she also shows a compassionate side as well. She's skilled in combat, acting, and isn't hesitant to do what needs to be done during missions.



Abigail grew up with supportive and loving parents. She was very talented and learned ballet at a young age. In March 2003, she attended a ballet competition and wins a gold medal. Upon leaving the concert venue with her parents, an air raid commenced on the city of Baghdad, Iraq. Her parents were likely killed from the bombings.[2] She is eventually enlisted in a militant group and serves as a child soldier. During one confrontation, a few child soldiers and her were performing an assault on a military bunker stationed with Western troops. One Western soldier, equipped with a grenade launcher, shoots a grenade that detonates near her. She is stunned and collapses, passing out as a troop approached her. She is still traumatized by these events to this day, which serves as the impetus for her suicidal thoughts.

Part 1

She joins Eddie Cassano's entourage of women under the guise as a mysterious, beautiful woman of few words. When given the fake drug, she over-exaggerates and successfully tricks Eddie into believing that the Sakura Magic is potent and real. Eddie allows Laurent to borrow her to run errands. She grows much closer to Edamura in Case 3.1, and shows her kinder side.

Part 2

She, alongside Laurent, successfully regains Makoto as part of their group again but this time, their target is a certain prince who hosts an air racing prix. She does her part by playing as one of the competitors, with Cynthia as her manager. While doing an audition, Abby remembers the war on her homeland and thus almost made her plane crash. This repeated during the race, only to be snapped back to reality by a screaming Edamura Makoto urging her to 'wake up'.

Part 3

Part 4


